Gear Donations

Got gear? Check the list of what we are accepting and then email a photo to

or click the button below

EBPCO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation so all donors receive a tax receipt!

We are currently accepting:

- Film cameras of all types (including 35mm, medium format, movie and vintage cameras)

- Film and inkjet paper (expired OK!)

- Newer digital cameras/video cameras with working batteries + chargers

- Large format cameras, lenses, film holders

- Other accessories in good condition like light meters, flashes, camera straps, and photo company ephemera (Kodak/Canon/Nikon/Olympus/Fuji/Yashica etc. signage, clothing, promo buttons or hats, film canisters, vintage branded graduated cylinders/glassware etc.)


- Projectors

- Strobe lighting power packs and heads

- DSLRs under 10 megapixels

- Slide carousels, slide mounting equipment or supplies

- Dry mount presses

- Darkroom equipment including enlargers, trays, timers, chemistry, paper, canisters, reels, contrast filters, print washers, focus scopes, negative holders or hangers, funnels, bottles, etc.

- Books or magazines

- Anything that has been corroded by battery acid or rust; any items with sticky, degraded plastic or rubber; anything dirty or moldy.

- Anything missing essential components for use

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