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The Spectrum of Intention

The Spectrum of Intention juxtaposes four Bay Area artists working in the cameraless technique known as Lumen Printing. Lumen prints are created by exposing silver gelatin paper to UV light and often contain motifs of flowers, personal objects, and reflective or transparent items like fabrics, newspaper clippings, ice, and negatives.

This exhibition reveals a spectrum of artistic intentionality, from meticulous placement and planning to serendipitous reactions and discoveries. Each artist approaches the medium differently-from how they place objects on the paper to printing, framing, and preserving their work-but the pieces are unified by the rich brown, blue, and purple tones unique to lumen printing.

The exhibition features the work of Brenna Hansen, Francis Baker, Jacqueline Walters, and J.M. Golding. This is EBPCO’s first alternative process exhibition.

Poster image by J.M. Golding

May 3