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Online Show and Tell: Film Swap

Hosted by Anita Gay


Our next Show & Tell will be a group effort - it’s time once again for our annual FILM SWAP! What’s a film swap, you ask? Well, first of all, it’s a lot of fun. You shoot a roll of film (or some sheets of 4x5 if you’re Vince) then swap with a partner who shoots over the same roll or sheets. Get them developed and scanned before June 4th, pick a few favorites, then log onto Zoom at 7pm, and share your magic results with the rest of us!

To participate you’ll need to sign up here and here. (Yes, twice.) We have some signups already, but welcome more. You can also join us on the 4th just to see and enjoy the results - the more the merrier!

Here is the zoom link:

If you would like to present work at this (or another session), please sign up on this document.

Find out more about our show and tell series and read about the presentation guidelines here.

June 2

June Photo Walk

June 7

First Friday - OPW Open Late!